
North Korea and China The Problem and The Solution

North Korea and China The Problem and The Solution

Why is China seemingly doing nothing to stop North Korea?  Well there are a few reasons that I think of that could explain it. Let’s say there is a regime change that China sponsors.  This will absolutely destabilize North Korea.  When that happens I would predict...

Trump the Tasmanian Tornado

Trump the Tasmanian Tornado

Trump the Tasmanian Tornado has challenged CNN and all fake news to a tag team match featuring his partner Pence the Pounder.  They are issuing a challenge to all fake and fraudulent news organizations in America. This will be a WWF sanctioned event to be conducted...

Fake News Ratings and Revenue

Fake News Ratings and Revenue

Fake news is really all you hear about anymore.  Why?  Because there is nothing else to talk about that will get ratings.  Ratings and revenue they go hand in hand.  It’s a shame that’s where we are in this country but that’s where we are. There are so many other...

Illinois and California A Tale of Two States

Illinois and California A Tale of Two States

Illinois and California are on track to be the first states to be forced into bankruptcy.  They inevitably will follow the path of Detroit Mi. that was the first major city to do so.  Why? Well, in Illinois it’s mainly driven by the huge pension mandates due to public...


USA Today
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Times
Fox News
Drudge Report
Daily Mail