North Korea: On the Precipice of War

North Korea: On the Precipice of War

There are two sides of North Korea, the one the world sees, and the one only smuggled photos allow the world to see. The average North Korean family live a very hard life, one that no American can even relate to. There are whole generations of families that live their...

The Biased Media

The Biased Media

  Most of the American press is not credible.  Their reporting is more propaganda than factual.  It is very sad that I have to read the UK Daily news to get something close to real reporting about what is going on in America. Congratulations American media you have...

We the Deplorables

We the Deplorables

The Deplorable’s Creed We believe in The United States Constitution We believe in freedom for all and equal access for all. We believe if you want to immigrate to this country you are welcome to do so legally.  If you want to do harm to us, you must be kept out. We...

The Left and Hate, Hypocrisy, and Risk

The Left and Hate, Hypocrisy, and Risk

“Immigration is an Application to Enter America” It is amazing to me how bad the left, liberals, socialist, and Democrats want to destroy America.  They do not believe in the rule of law.  They believe you can selectively enforce the law and ignore or disobey laws...

The Liberal Hypocrisy; Is There No End?

The Liberal Hypocrisy; Is There No End?

Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, and Denny Hoyer leaders of the Democratic Socialist Party are promoting violent, offensive and lude protests to sabotage our country.  It has become very evident to those of us who believe in liberty and the rule...

North Korea: On the Precipice of War

North Korea: On the Precipice of War

There are two sides of North Korea, the one the world sees, and the one only smuggled photos allow the world to see. The average North Korean family live a very hard life, one that no American can even relate to. There are whole generations of families that live their...

The Biased Media

The Biased Media

  Most of the American press is not credible.  Their reporting is more propaganda than factual.  It is very sad that I have to read the UK Daily news to get something close to real reporting about what is going on in America. Congratulations American media you have...

We the Deplorables

We the Deplorables

The Deplorable’s Creed We believe in The United States Constitution We believe in freedom for all and equal access for all. We believe if you want to immigrate to this country you are welcome to do so legally.  If you want to do harm to us, you must be kept out. We...

The Left and Hate, Hypocrisy, and Risk

The Left and Hate, Hypocrisy, and Risk

“Immigration is an Application to Enter America” It is amazing to me how bad the left, liberals, socialist, and Democrats want to destroy America.  They do not believe in the rule of law.  They believe you can selectively enforce the law and ignore or disobey laws...

The Liberal Hypocrisy; Is There No End?

The Liberal Hypocrisy; Is There No End?

Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, and Denny Hoyer leaders of the Democratic Socialist Party are promoting violent, offensive and lude protests to sabotage our country.  It has become very evident to those of us who believe in liberty and the rule...


USA Today
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Times
Fox News
Drudge Report
Daily Mail